Download PhoenixSuit (all versions)

Updated on February 1, 2020

PhoenixSuit is a small tool that allows you to flash stock firmware (img) on Allwinner CPU based smartphone and tablets. Here on this page, we have managed to share all versions of PhoenixSuit tool including the previous versions and the latest.

Features of PhoenixSuit

Flash Stock Firmware:

It allows you to flash the stock firmware on any Allwinner CPU based devices. Simply, Download the stock firmware (img) for your device and load it in the PhoenixSuit and Click on the Upgrade Button to begin flashing.

Flash Recovery Image:

It allows you to flash recovery image on your Allwinner devices. Simply, Load the Stock Firmware in the Phoenix Suit, and it will ask you whether you want to flash whole firmware or few portion, simply select recovery and click on upgrade to begin flashing.

Flash Boot Image:

It allows you to flash the boot image on your Allwinner devices. Simply, load the stock firmware in the Phoenix Suit and it will ask you which portion of firmware you want to install, Simply Select Boot and click on upgrade buttn to begin flashing.

Backup, Restore and Install Applications:

It also allows you to backup and restore the existing applications on your Allwinner devices. Simply Connect your device to the computer, and Open Phoenix Suit then click on APK tab and Select Backup or restore.

Download PhoenixSuit Tool

Phoenix Suit V1.04

Phoenix Suit V1.05

Phoenix Suit V1.06

Phoenix Suit V1.07

Phoenix Suit V1.08

Phoenix Suit V1.09

Phoenix Suit V1.10 – latest

Readme Once:

(*) How to use Phoenix Suit: If in case you want to learn to operate Phoenix Suit to flash firmware, then head over to the How to use PhoenixSuit page.

(*) Phoenix Suit, is made to work for Allwinner CPU based device only. And it may not work properly for other CPU devices.

(*) Alternative Tool: Livesuit, Phoenix USB Pro, PhoenixCard are the best alternative tool, which also allows you to Flash the Allwinner IMG firmware on the Allwinner Android Device.

(*) Credits: Phoenix Suit is created an distributed by Allwinner Technology Co. LTD. So, full credit goes to them for sharing the Tool for free.

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